Category Archives: HVUT

Expressing our Heartfelt Gratitude on This Thanksgiving Day!

Hello, truckers! is filled with appreciation for all your dedication and hard work of our invaluable truckers. We are grateful for choosing us as your Form 2290 HVUT e-filing service partner every season. This year, we take this excellent opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks to the trucking community who keep our nation moving towards its glory.

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It’s the Middle of the Month! Pro-rated 2290 Tax Returns are Due for October Used Vehicles!

Hello, truckers! The IRS charges Form 2290 HVUT returns on a pro-rated basis for truckers with newly purchased and first-used heavy vehicles away from the tax period. Therefore, if you have a heavy highway vehicle or truck first used on October 2023, you must report Form 2290 HVUT returns on a pro-rated basis by the end of this month. Since the deadline is approaching the end of this month, e-file Form 2290 tax reports today on our platform to get the instant Schedule 1 copy and stay ahead of the deadline.

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Top 5 Benefits of E-filing Form 2290 HVUT Returns Online!

Hello Truckers! We all know that the IRS made Form 2290 e-filing mandatory for truckers reporting 25 or more vehicles in their fleet. Therefore, you should e-file Form 2290 tax returns through an authorized service provider, pay your taxes online through IRS–approved payment gateways and get the IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy to your email. Also, many truckers chose the e-filing method during the pandemic times as it provided easy, convenient and secured 2290 tax filing and now they got comfortable using it for every tax filing. Similarly, form 2290 e-file is convenient for the IRS to process tax returns accurately and avoid clerical errors during seasonal rush. is an IRS–approved modernized Form 2290 e-filing service provider. We provide this e-file Form 2290 online and other HVUT-related solutions on our platform.

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October 2, 2023, is the last day to report pro-rated Form 2290 for August used Heavy Vehicles.

Hello, truckers and trucking payers! The last date to e-file Form 2290 pro-rated tax returns for your heavy highway vehicles first used on August 2023 is due on October 02, 2023. As the deadline arrives in a few days, ensure that you report and pay your HVUT returns using Form 2290 on a pro-rated basis to get the Schedule 1 copy on time. Remember that the IRS is very strict about abiding by deadlines. If you miss the deadline to report your taxes, they will charge penalties, late fees, and interest on your pending tax dues. Also, operating your heavy vehicles on public highways is impossible without a proper Schedule 1 copy. Therefore, you must pay the pro-rated Form 2290 taxes on time for your August used heavy vehicles and get the Schedule 1 copy as soon as possible.

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Importance of Form 2290 Amendments and How to E-file them on

Hello, truckers! Now that the Form 2290 truck tax e-filing period is over, you can concentrate on filing for 2290 amendments and Form 8849 refund claims to the IRS. Also, you must act immediately if you entered your truck’s wrong VIN while preparing Form 2290 and got the IRS Schedule 1 copy with the same VIN. E-file for Form 2290 VIN correction smoothly on our platform and get the corrected Schedule 1 copy immediately. This will help you to smoothly continue your trucking operations on public highways in the United States. Similarly, if there is a change in your heavy vehicle’s taxable category after you have reported and paid your 2290 truck taxes, you must file for Form 2290 amendments and get the revised Schedule 1 copy from the IRS.

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