Importance of e-file

Gone are the days when tax payers need to stack paper over paper for filing tax returns. E-filing has arrived as a boon to tax payers. It is interesting to note that close to 80% of tax returns were e-filed in the year 2010. Another news bit states that by 2019 IRS expects 80% e-filed tax returns.

IRS has mandated e-filing for taxpayers with 25 or more vehicles with registered gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more, but always encouraged everyone to do e-filing.
So you are all set to know:

Why e-filing?
What’s so special about it?

Let us now view the benefits of e-filing one by one:

With e-filing your 2290 tax returns, the processing speed is really quick. Also you receive your IRS stamped schedule 1 copy faster. If you use traditional paper filing, it takes days to receive the returns.
E-filing option is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

By e-filing your 2290 tax returns, there is only 1% error rate, when compared to 20% with paper returns. So it is up to you to decide the better method. E-filing minimizes the chances for error and thereby makes your filing error free, and accurate.

A secure e-file submission process helps to keep your personal information private. Tax payers can safe guard their sensitive tax information very secure with e-file option. Who doesn’t wish to keep their financial or tax info secure?

E-filing helps you get instant notification of receipt. Also you can check the status of your tax return or tax refund at your convenient time. With e-filing you get your acknowledgement receipt immediately.

Eco friendly
With e-filing there are no more trips to the post office. You can save paper and save trees. Thus you go greener and environment friendly. You also make a small contribution towards reduction of global warming.

Avoid late fees
With e-filing you can avoid late fees and penalties. You can efile now to avoid late fees and pay later according to your affordability. Really convenient isn’t it.

Error free
E-file software provides built-in accuracy checks. Tax preparation software highlights the majority of taxpayer errors prior to submission of returns. Thus your return filing is mostly error free.

Easily accessible
E-filing option is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Thus you can access the tax return data at your convenient time. Thus the accessibility is easier.

Saves time and money
E-filing doesn’t need printing or mailing paper returns and forms. Thus you save a lot of precious time, money and energy by opting to e-file.

During e-file you get complete instructions online comprising of messages for tax preparers. efile Help Desk toll free phone option helps you clarify your doubts instantly.

Having read the benefits of e-filing I am sure that you have already logged in into your PC to start your e-file your tax return process. If not, think again, and opt for e-file and enjoy all the benefits at your doorstep.