Let’s Celebrate This New Season and Independence Day with a Special Discount!

Hello, truckers! The new tax period for TY 2024-2025 has finally started, and the IRS has begun processing Form 2290 HVUT returns for the new tax season. So, you must be ready to report your Form 2290 taxes to the IRS and get the Schedule 1 copy to operate your trucking business on public highways smoothly. Also, we have introduced a special coupon to give you exciting discounts on your Form 2290 E-filing charges to celebrate this Independence Day with you. So, don’t miss out on this chance to E-file Form 2290 economically at the beginning of the new tax season. It is a wonderful opportunity to stay ahead of the seasonal surge and fulfill your tax obligations as soon as possible with attractive discounts.

Know your tax category before you report your taxes.

Truckers and trucking taxpayers must report and pay Form 2290 HVUT for their taxable heavy vehicles. Trucks with a total gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more and estimated to travel more than 5,000 miles (7500 miles for logging vehicles) are liable for Form 2290 tax payments. Heavy vehicles that don’t fit the taxable category should file Form 2290 as tax-suspended vehicles. These vehicles are not entitled to 2290 tax payments. Therefore, truckers with taxable and tax-suspended vehicles must report Form 2290 HVUT for the new tax period, 2023-2024, and get a valid Schedule 1 copy for their heavy highway vehicles.

Form 2290 E-filing is the smartest way to report your taxes.

IRS made Form 2290 E-filing mandatory for truckers reporting Form 2290 for 25 or more heavy highway vehicles. Also, they encourage all truckers to prefer E-file Form 2290 online because it is easy for them to process the HVUT tax returns. Unlike the paper filing method, the E-filing method saves a lot of time for taxpayers and the IRS because it is automatic and eliminates the chances of errors being made. Your paper filing days are over; you don’t have to wait in queue or mail your tax reports and again wait for weeks to get your stamped Schedule 1 copy. You can e-file Form 2290 and get the stamped Schedule 1 copy to your email in just a few minutes through the e-filing method. So, choose the Form 2290 E-filing method this season to get simple, smooth, and accurate Form 2290 filing with the IRS.

Tax2290.com is your suitable Form 2290 E-filing partner.

Tax2290.com provides a convenient online platform that helps you quickly E-file Form 2290 HVUT returns online. You can follow the screens and menus on our platform to prepare your 2290 tax reports conveniently and transmit them to the IRS in a single click. The IRS will process your tax returns as soon as possible and immediately send the digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy to your email. You can E-file Form 2290 online on Tax2290.com from the comfort of your home or office using your laptops, PCs, smartphones, or tablet devices. We offer pocket-friendly Form 2290 HVUT e-filing services at just $29.99 per return.

Use this special discount to E-file economically with us!

Tax2290.com offers an exclusive discount for all trucking taxpayers to celebrate Independence Day with us. Use the coupon code ‘FREEDOM24’ get a flat 10% discount on your Form 2290 e-filing service charge from Tax2290.com. This Independence Day special offer is valid from 01 to 04 July 2024. So, we request that all truckers and trucking taxpayers use this offer to E-file Form 2290 HVUT reports at the beginning of the season to stay ahead of the seasonal surge and get the Schedule 1 copy as soon as possible. For all queries regarding Form 2290 E-filing in Tax2290.com, you can contact our customer support desk at 1 – 866 – 245 – 3918 (toll-free) or write to us at support@taxexcise.com. We will respond promptly.