Trucks are use as the preferred mode of transportations across states in USA. The people rely deeply on the trucking business to convey and transport the merchandises that make every day existence reachable, making truck drivers the fortitude of the present American economic system. Trucking jobs are a good way to make a decent income and to provide your family needs.
Every motor carrier operating a commercial motor vehicle over 55,000 pounds is required to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax/Form 2290 annually with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and obtain verification of filing/payment from the IRS. Each jurisdiction is mandated to obtain proof of payment of the HVUT for all commercial vehicles meeting the filing requirements at the time of registration. Failure by a state to obtain the required proof can result in a loss of federal highway funding up to 25 percent. The Tax 2290 is collected by the federal government once a year, and then distributed out to states for maintenance and construction of U.S. highways. Continue reading