Tag Archives: Fathers day

Avail FLAT 10% OFF on Form 2290 E-filing as we Celebrate Fatherhood!

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters – George Herbert

Every day is a Father’s Day, simply because the Fact that they don’t take a break from their roles and responsibilities as a dad. Most of the Kids without any hesitation will be proud to announce that their Role Model is their Dad. Anything that we do will sure be less to congratulate these Family Bread winners and no one will deny to these Fact. Dads with 9 to 5 Job can afford to spare some time with their kids, but that’s not the case with Fathers who are into Trucking Business.

Well, though there are several ways to congratulate Dads on the occasion of Father’s Day, we at www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – Products of Think trade Inc. have decided to keep the Celebration for a Week. Yes you read that right, we have decided to congratulate every Trucking Soul in our own Way. As a Well Known Fact the HVUT Form 2290 Pre-Filing has already began for the upcoming Tax Year 2019 – 2020, we are putting up a Father’s Day Offer that would benefit not only the Dads Involved in Trucking but Everyone in the Hard Working Trucking Community. Continue reading