Tag Archives: record keeping

Reasons Why Recordkeeping is Important for Tax Payers

Record keeping is the act of maintaining and preserving documents and records. Properly maintained records help tax payers in several ways especially when preparing tax return and during times when the IRS sends a notice. Important and essential records such as cancelled checks, receipts, etc. should be kept handy and in a place where it is easy to locate. Whether an individual or business owner, they should keep in mind to maintain their records for hassle-free filing of taxes. For example, those into the trucking business should ensure maintaining their documents to avoid any hassles when filing their tax return. Continue reading

Tips to reconstruct your records to prove loss of vehicles or business property

Reconstructing records after a disaster may be essential for tax purposes, getting federal assistance or insurance reimbursement. Records that you need to prove your loss may have been damaged or destroyed in a casualty. While it may not be easy, reconstructing your records may be essential for: Continue reading