Business Information required to Efile (HVUT) Form 2290

Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 must be filed for any heavy vehicle with gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above. To E-file HVUT Form 2290 there are few mandatory information that you need to keep handy before you start the process. Below is the list of your business related information that you need to E-file your Federal Excise Tax Form 2290.

Business Name & Type: Registered Business name as per the IRS Records is a mandatory piece of information. Make sure that you do not use your DBA i.e. your Doing Business As name instead of your registered business name; it will result in an IRS rejection of your Tax return. Also have your type of business handy when you try to Efile your Form 2290. It can be a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation or a LLC.

EIN: The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification.

Note: Your EIN must be at Least 15 business days old and you cannot use your SSN Instead of EIN.

Business Address: It is Important that you have your registered business address with you when you Efile your Form 2290 because, it will reflect on your Stamped Receipt that is your Stamped Schedule 1 copy. Your Business Address includes your Street Address, City name, State & ZIP code.

Signing Authority Details: Make sure you have the details of the Signing authority for the Business that you are attempting to Efile Federal Excise Tax Form 2290. Signing Authority Details include his/her Name, Title that is his/her position in the Business and the Signing Authority’s Day time Phone Number.

Above is the List of Information that you must keep handy before your start the E-filing process for your Federal Excise Tax Form 2290. If you have any more questions or queries regarding Federal Excise tax Form 2290 feel free to contact our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ .

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