Category Archives: Truckers Need

Form 2290 Amendment Tax Return

While you efile form 2290 during the tax season, you pay your dues based on the weight and the miles you are likely to travel that specific year. What happens when exceed the taxable gross weight or the miles mentioned in your schedule 1 copy. And that time form 2290 Amendment tax return comes in the scene.

There are three types of amendments available for form 2290: Continue reading

Tax2290 Wishes Merry Christmas And Prosperous New Year

Christmas marks the beginning of the  festive season, which continues till the New Year. Christmas- an anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ celebrated normally on December 25 as a national and sacred holiday for Christian around the world. Before the Tax Santa arrives at our doorsteps, takes immense pleasure in wishing Merry Christmas to our taxpayers and a prosperous New Year. 2014 has been a great year for us, and the credit for making it such memorable year goes to our lovely tax filers. Without your support and co-operation, we would have done nothing at all. Continue reading

Record Keeping For Heavy Vehicle Used Tax

It is not fun to maintain records, but it can save you from a lot of pain in the longer run, like audits from the IRS. If the dreadful due dates are round the corner and audits are unavoidable, you need to ask yourself one thing. Am I doing this right? Are you maintaining the right records for HVUT? Well, if you were not following the pattern, it is never too late. We can tell you how. Continue reading