Inside this Issue of Outreach Corner

The December Outreach Corner includes the following articles.

  1. Didn’t get your 2009 Refund? It may be waiting for you.
  2. Student Loans– Applying for a student loan is now easier.
  3. Tax Planning – Make taxes easier; start planning today!
  4. Adoption Credit – Tax credit of up to $13,170 for adopting a child
  5. Join the Plan–  Invest in your retirement.
  6. Year-end Check-up – for individual retirement account owners
  7. Making Work Pay Creditis still working for taxpayers.

Check out the publication on protecting IRA investments, as well as other drop-in articles, direct links to IRS YouTube videos, updated widgets and other products to help in your outreach efforts!

On this site, you’ll find communication materials to reach out to your customers, affiliates, employees, and others with helpful tax information. In addition to emphasizing available resources on, the Corner houses original material that you can customize and plug right into your websites, newsletters and other communication platforms.

We can help you reach your customers. Any ideas for next month’s Outreach Corner issue? Send an email to us at