Truckers!! Take Extra Precaution as the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak Grows

Being in the Trucking business means drivers will need to travel nationwide and transport goods and services mostly shipped from overseas. This makes them the most vulnerable to come in contact with the corona Virus. And this for instance not only has an adverse effect on Global population but also affects businesses and services, as per recent reports the COVID – 19 Virus has gradually also started effecting the trucking sector in various states around the US.

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California Air Resources Board (CARB) Regulations & Form 2290 March deadline

At we know that truckers are the mainstay of America, they transport almost all basic necessities such as food, clothes to medicine and electronics. If you’ve got it, then a trucker brought it!

Trucking is a major source of employment with over 8 million people working in trucking related jobs to over 3.5 million truck drivers, the total revenue brought in keeps increasing at a phenomenal rate with over 800 billion a year. As this figure keeps increasing it also does bring about new rules and limitations on certain regulations.

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Have a question in mind? Enough said, we’ve gotcha covered!

We would like to thank all our registered users for all the positive vibes that have come our way, this helps us to constantly keep monitoring and upgrading our level of service.

Though E-File is the preferred way to go about completing form 2290 it certainly does have its share of questions, and having seen over a decade of tax returns let’s now take a look at the most general and frequently asked questions.

Yupp!! You got that right. It’s time for another round of questions and answers! So let’s begin:

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Form 2290 Deadline is fast approaching for vehicles First Used in January 2020! the most preferred website to E-File Federal excise tax forms would like to keep you reminded about the upcoming deadline for form 2290. Filing form 2290 is made much easier and less complicated since e-file came into effect, the IRS strongly recommends to E-file if you are expecting to report more than 25 vehicles, this makes processing returns faster and stamped Schedule 1 copies are made available within a few minutes.

The Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax needs to be filed by anyone who has registered or is required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more in their name at the time of first use on the public highways. This filing deadline is not the same as the Vehicle Registration date. Irrespective of the vehicle registration renewal date form 2290 has to be filed for any vehicle used after July in a tax period by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. Form 2290 is due by March 2nd for vehicles first put into service in the month of January 2020.

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ALERT!! IRS Credit/Debit Card Payment option no longer available to pay the HVUT.

A shout out to all our truckers and fraternity of the Trucking Industry. the first authorized service provider by the IRS and the only service provider that has seen over a decade of tax returns pass by would like to keep you reminded that “Until further notice, paying the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax by credit card or debit card is no longer available”.

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