Smartphone App For Truckers This Tax Season

Truckers are the busiest lot among the citizens of America and with additional technology coming our way, our life is like a Ferris wheel, too large at the same time accommodating every information.

We are addictive to the services provided by Smartphone, from varied app to upgraded technology, we shall bow in the end. So today, we are going to speak how Smartphone app would be ideal for you when you are behind the wheels.

Assuming you are too distracted with your phone beeping all the while you are driving and we are sure, you don’t have much time to track your texts and emails, FleetSafer Smartphone app comes in for your rescue. This app will eliminate the temptation to read or reply to any of the text message or email received and automatically “I’m Driving” message is sent across, allowing you to drive peacefully and the person trying to reach you has also received your message.

The next app in the list is GasBuddy. You are burning thousands of gallons each day when you are delivering goods to your destination. And if you get a chance to save up few penny, the saving would add up for a fortune. This app allows you to locate gas station offering the cheapest of the fuel, nearby fuel stations and you can view the list by sorting them in fuel price and additional features.

Adding up the list of apps, The Weather Channel is an app that supports iOS and Android platform. This app would provide you with a fair deal of information on the weather condition, pollen alerts, and warnings for any city/zip code. You can specifically check on the climate you’ll be traveling before heading out. Additionally, you can save up to ten favorite locations, view radar maps, and view hour-by-hour weather forecasts! This will allow you to take informative decisions on whether to continue with your journey or call it a night.

And here comes a healthy app, My Fitness Pal, is the app that can keep truckers on track. We know how difficult it is to ensure you are eating healthy and you are staying at the bay. You can set diets goals, keep a calorie diary and input exercise statistics. The best part about this app is that, it provides you with the right calorie count, eventually making you conscious for the intake of food. This app is available for both iOS and Android.

After discussing about health and weather app, ensuring you pay your obligations online is add on task. Did you ever wonder that you could file taxes online through your Smartphone? Yes, you can, only if you get access to We have made our presence on iOS and Android platform for betterment of every taxpayer. File taxes online with ease for the tax season 2014-15 only at, without paying a penny extra.

We also welcome you to come forward and ask us your queries. We would be glad to answer them. Simply call us @ 1-866-245-3918 or drop up an email to

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About admin

An e-tax professional at, a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect friendly ideologies of my company just like how friendly our e-file tax application is to them. For any queries, reach us @ 866-245-3918 or email us on or

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