Tag Archives: Amendments

E-file Form 2290 at Tax2290.com and reduce your penalties!

A big shout to all truckers! Tax2290.com is the best online platform to e-file form 2290 HVUT and other form 2290 filing services like VIN corrections, amendments, refund claims and pro-rated 2290 tax filings. We have completed the form 2290 tax filing period for this year’s tax season, 2022-2023. Hundreds and thousands of truckers and trucking taxpayers used Tax2290.com to e-file form 2290 online directly to the IRS and successfully got their stamped schedule 1 copy.

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Inspire the Owner-Operator within You

No matter whether you are a newbie in the trucking industry or an experienced truck driver avoiding distracted driving over the years, it is good that you are considering honing the entrepreneurial skills in you. It is truly an attainable goal but only if you make yourself aware of the competitive business environment and pay your HVUT return on time. Moreover, to make your new venture a success, make sure to understand the licensing and registration of a new motor carrier and the rules for handling the business. Continue reading to learn the three essential abilities that a truck owner-operator should have. Continue reading