Tag Archives: corrected Schedule-1

Form 2290 is due January 31st, 2012 for vehicle first used in December 2011.

File 2290 Tax Online

The IRS Tax Form 2290 is available now atwww.Tax2290.comwww.TaxExcise.com.

ReminderIf your vehicle first used inDecember 2011 since July 1st 2011, you are required to file IRS Tax Form 2290 byJanuary 31, 2012.

You will not be liable for any late filing penaltyor interest if you meet this due date. We will provide a stamped (receipted) Schedule-1within minutes to those who file and pay their tax through our application.

No more travelling to any IRS office or standing in line. CLICK HERE to start yourFORM 2290, it is simplified, more help text available and we bet it won’t take much of your time.