Tag Archives: hvut extension

A letter from Tax Form 2290


Form 2290

Internal Revenue Service

U.S. Department of Treasury

Washington, D.C.



Heavy Vehicle Taxpayers

United States of America


Dear taxpayers,

SUBJECT: Extension of HVUT return filing & Payment due date

If you have already written about your heavy vehicles on me and dropped me safely at my home through post or the internet before noon on August 31, 2012, thanks a ton. You can now happily drive your trucks until next June without any legal troubles.

The e-file system at my home in the IRS was shut down for some maintenance activity from 1.00 p.m. on August 31 through September 4, 2012. In order to minimize the impact of inconvenience on affected e-file taxpayers alone, the heads of my family have decided to extend the time for filing me to my home until September 7, 2012. So, for those of you who missed to file me before 1.00 p.m. on August 31, can now do so and pay the applicable HVUT amounts due to my family without any penalty or late fee until the 7th of September, 2012. You can do so at tax 2290 for convenient, easy and fast filing and get your stamped schedule 1 copy within minutes. If you don’t, you have to face the appropriate penalties and interests after the 7th.

I sincerely hope that there are no confusions pertaining to filing me on time now.


Yours truly,

Form 2290

P.S. Oh dear paper filers, this isn’t for you. Your deadline was August 31, 2012.