Tag Archives: Tax Return with a New EIN:

Do’s and Don’ts of Pre Filing- Part-II

Welcome back truckers, a very warm welcome to our blog. Last week, we had posted a blog on the do’s and don’ts while pre filing form 2290. Today, we are posting the second and the last part of the blog. Hope we are successful in providing you with information you need while you are busy pre filing.

So let’s get started.

Do Get Your EIN early!

In order to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, you need to have an Employer Identification Number handy while you pre file/ efile. And if by any chance, you don’t have an EIN, you need to make haste and get one right away for yourself because it takes some time before it is activated to efile/ pre file form 2290 online through our website, Tax2290.com. Continue reading