Tag Archives: Tax2290.com

It’s the Final Day, Form 2290 Annual Renewal for 2019-20 is Due TODAY, September 3. E-file Now!!!

The time has come and the Grace period is over, for the last few months you have been constantly reminded of the deadline to file your form 2290 for tax year 2019-20, however to the best known reason to some, they are still yet to file their form 2290 for tax year 2019-20. The IRS also extended the deadline to file by 3 days due to the fact that the August 31st falls on Saturday and Monday Sept 2nd is a federal holiday that gives you another one more day (Today) to file your 2290 for 2019-20. Any filing done after the deadline (TODAY) might incur a penalty for late filing and also incur a monthly interest on the total tax dues.

Why wait longer? Do your filing now and have the stamped Schedule 1 received in few minutes.

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IRS Scheduled Maintenance Downtime this Labor Day Long Weekend affects your 2290 efiling

IRS will be conducting its annual Labor Day power outage beginning Saturday, August 31, 2019, starting at 9:00 p.m. and ending Tuesday, September 3, 2019, at 7:00 a.m. EST. This scheduled maintenance drive will affect processing 2290 returns which is heading towards deadline. However on September 3, 2019 the final day to report and pay the Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 will be available from morning 7:00 am. We’re working and operational to accept the returns from the Truckers, hold that in our servers and get it processed with the IRS when they are back and operations from Sep. 3rd.

IRS Truck Tax Form 2290 referred as Federal Highway Vehicle Use Tax returns are filed from July to August for a Tax Year started on July 2019 – June 2020. All the heavy highway vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds falls due for this 2290 filing. Form 2290 and Schedule 1 has to be reported and paid to receive back the watermarked Schedule 1 receipt to show as a proof of payment.

2290 efile for 2019
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Taxpayers can file Form 2290 electronically to pay heavy highway vehicle use tax

IRS is reminding the 2290 tax payers who are heavy highway truckers, to electronically report the Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 on or before September 3, 2019.

Taxpayers who must pay the heavy highway vehicle use tax should remember they can file and pay electronically. While some taxpayers who file Form 2290 are required to file electronically, all 2290 filers can do so. These taxpayers can use e-file software to both file Form 2290 and pay what they owe.

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Due Date for Form 2290, an Overview!




When a new vehicle is put into service, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. If a vehicle was used during any part of a month, the tax will be calculated for that month as a whole. For example, if a vehicle was first used on the road on April 15th, it will be taxed as though it was used the entire month. If you first placed your vehicle on the road anytime in April, you must file your Form 2290 anytime before May 30th, 2017.

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Multiple Platforms to E-file you Form 2290 through Tax2290.com

To all the busy-bee’s out there, mostly on the road delivering almost everything that the nation needs for its existence. “IF YOU GOT IT, IT’S DEFINITELY A TRUCKER WHO BROUGHT IT” A simple quote that perfectly defines a trucker’s role in every individual’s life. Though most of us fail to acknowledge their contribution towards our happiness, we at least can do things that can make their living a bit easier.

www.Tax2290.com , the first ever IRS authorized E-file service provider for Form 2290 never ever misses a chance to do even the simplest thing that can give some comfort to all those heavy haulers that are behind the wheels, working hard to keep the nation intact. Our research & development team continuously make efforts that can save the precious time for these ever busy happiness deliverers. Continue reading