Third Party Designee For Your Form 2290

So filers, how is the week treating you. Today at our blog, we are going to discuss about third party designee. However, there this section of the form is important, most of us tend to ignore and file the return. Before we start about Third Party Designee, let’s throw some light on the form first and then carry on with the subject. Form 2290 is an application to file and pay heavy vehicle used tax to the IRS. If your vehicle weighs more than 55,000 pounds or more, and likely to use the public highway for delivery, you are liable to pay and file form 2290 on or before the due date. Other than taxable vehicles, there are suspended and logging vehicles included in the list. Suspended vehicles are those, which are not likely to cross more than 5,000 miles a year. You don’t have to file form 2290 for your respective vehicle or their VINs, however, you need to keep IRS informed about the same. While you are filing form 2290, you will be asked if you wish to assign a third party designee for your tax return. If you have been assigning a third party designee or planning to assign one, here is the purpose and authorization for what you implying the service for. Purpose of Third Party Designee: A third party designee can be anyone, whom you can trust. From an employee to your spouse, business head to return preparer or any other third party who can deal with your filed tax and discuss the same with IRS in your absence is applicable to be your designee. When you are filing form 2290, you need to check on “Yes”, authorizing IRS to speak to the designee at the time of need, and during your absence. You are authorizing the designee for:

  • Exchange of information concerning form 2290 with IRS,
  • Request and receive written tax return information related to form 2290, including copies of notices, correspondence, and account transcripts

While filing you need to mention the designee’s name, contact number and five digits that person choose as his/her personal identification number (PIN). The authorization applies only to the tax return on, which it appears. While you assign a person as the third party designee, you are not authorizing the designee to bind the taxpayers to anything, that includes additional tax liability or otherwise represent the taxpayer before the IRS. However, the authorization would expire in a year’s time from the date of authorization. You can revoke the authorization by writing to the IRS. You can check through IRS website for better information. Additionally, we have another update for you all. If you have bought your vehicle on road in the month of February, you are liable to pay and file form 2290 by the end of March 2015 without any further delay or penalties would come your way. So truckers, come over and efile your tax return with Our Tax experts are always around to serve you the best and deal with your set of queries. For easy reach, call us @ 1-866-245-3918 or leave an email to You can expect instant response from our end.

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About admin

An e-tax professional at, a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect friendly ideologies of my company just like how friendly our e-file tax application is to them. For any queries, reach us @ 866-245-3918 or email us on or

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