Category Archives: IRS Authorized E-file provider

Trucker Tax e-file provider’s take on truckers’ dress code

“What a strange power there is in clothing”- Isaac Bashevis singer

The treble “s” you can be assured of while you e-file form 2290 with are simple, safe and secure. Similarly, the three “s” that you have to store in your mind while getting dressed for trucking is Simplicity, safety and snugness. You can expect no comfort as wandering in a luxury car since you drive through rough and tough valleys. So, it is crucial to get cozily dressed. Continue reading

Important road safety measure for truckers!

At Tax2290, we are deeply connected with the trucking industry. One is through our online tax e-file software which enables filers of IRS forms like Form 2290, file HVUT with great ease and get their proof of payment very soon after the last step. The other is, having connected digitally with the trucking industry for nearly a decade now, we have kind of become emotionally attached to the industry as a company. And so, the more we are concerned about truck driver’s safety on roads and supporting government and other agencies like FMCSA in improvising the industry as a whole. In that, today we thought we would share one of their most important safety programs to be aware of while sharing the roads with heavy trucks – The No-Zone program.  Its goal is to increase awareness of the No-Zones — danger areas like blind spots, around commercial vehicles, in which cars “disappear” from the view of the truck. Continue reading Supports Team USA & Rewarding This Olympics..!

E-file 2290 Form at Discount Price..!

Let’s give the start of the 2012 Olympics at London a warm welcome, as warm as how we would feel every time our own team is crowned with a sparkling medal. For all the 2297 medals that have been won by our superstars so far and the many more to chain in from the upcoming days, we, extend our heart-felt wishes and exuberant support to team USA! Continue reading

Comparatively Why E-file Stands Best Than Paper Filing..?

E-file Tax 2290 with TaxExcise

Greetings! You have landed at the right place in case you have been wondering why everyone’s talking laurels about e-filing over paper for long now. Obviously, you go green immediately, without wasting paper products of our beloved little left trees. The ability to file your tax returns round the clock throughout the week right at your desk at home makes life very comfortable and easy. The speed of the entire tax return process dramatically increases with e-filing over paper due to advanced internet capabilities thus saving you money and energy worked out on postage/fax/courier/delivery charges, which of course can be used over a million other valuables. Continue reading