Category Archives: Tax 2290

Renew Your HVUT Form 2290 for Tax Year 2018 – 2019!

Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present – Bil Keane

The Tax Season for HVUT Form 2290 officially began on July 1st and we have successfully wasted 10 days if we have not renewed our Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 yet. So the 10 days are PAST upcoming days till August will be Future we never know how busy we can get in the upcoming Days and we have a high chance of getting stuck in the last minute rush as well. TODAY is the gift we have in our hands, and grab it with both the hands.

Federal excise tax form (HVUT) Form 2290 is due now and has to be renewed for the tax year 2018-19. Tax season is here, and with it comes all the usual issues of paperwork and confusion. The earlier you start with the return and figuring out how much is your tax & how you are going to file your taxes, the better. Electronic filing is the best way of reporting this 2290s as it is fast and quick, IRS schedule -1 receipt in minutes.  Continue reading

Support Even during Weekends, for E-filing HVUT Form 2290!

Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful and believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you – Misty Copeland

Seven days a week it’s not quite enough for most of us who work 9 to 5 and we still crib that we need an extra days off and always hope that the upcoming weekend should be a long weekend. Think about Truckers and Trucking Industry Professionals who work round the clock a day off from work is close to heaven for them

As a known fact that the Months of July and August are more stressful for the Trucking Community as they have to renew their HVUT Form 2290 for the current tax Year. The Current Tax Year is 2018 – 2019 and those who have not renewed their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290 yet are Operating with an Expired Stamped Schedule 1 copy form 2017 – 2018. Continue reading

This 4th of July, E-File your Form 2290 for 2018 – 2019 with 10% OFF!

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves – Abraham Lincoln

Advance 4th of July wishes to every American. Freedom did not come for free it took a lot of Struggle, hard work and sincere dedication to gain it. Biggest Question is should we celebrate Independence only one day a Year? NO! This Hard Earned Freedom MUST be celebrated every day, every minute and every second.

So Our Favorite Truckers, what are we doing this 4th of July? The Answer is pretty evident Driving the Nation towards glory! Something that we always do. At this Juncture do not forget to notice that your HVUT Form 2290 has expired and it is due for renewal. YES!! It is that time of the Year that every Heavy rig has to have a Form 2290 Filed for it. Continue reading

Being an Early bird can save up to $60 on your HVUT E-filing!

Truckers, ever been benefited for being an Early Bird? That was a loud NO!! As always mentioned Taxes are unavoidable and we were never benefited for paying our obligations earlier than expected. But that’s not the case now At least for the next three days, / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc., the First Ever IRS Authorized E-File Service Provider and the ONLY DECADE OLD E-File Service Provider for Filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 has come up with an incredible offer that you would regret if you miss.

Lost time is never found again, absolutely true. Time is a Key thing that defines a Truckers success in his/her professional life. There are several things that folks in trucking industry do to save time & Money. End of the day we all work hard for money, Truckers and the Entire trucking Community work round the clock, sacrifice precious time that they can spend with their loved ones. Continue reading

Last Day to AVAIL A FLAT 10% OFF on HVUT Form 2290 E-filing!


“Make Hay While the Sun Shines” One of the oldest sayings but will suit every situation. Pouncing on the opportunity is one of the mandatory skills to survive in this competitive world. Especially if the Opportunity is to save few dollars of your hard-earned Money it is a must do. Truckers and the Trucking Industry professionals work hard for the betterment of the country and earn very less for the tedious job they do.

Taxes are part and parcel of any business and it is unavoidable. One such tax filed by Truck Owners and Trucking Companies is the Heavy Vehicle Use tax (HVUT) Form 2290. This Tax must be filed annually for any heavy vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds are above. Since the tax Period for HVUT goes from July to June and the Tax is paid in advance by the beginning of Tax Year we are up for the Upcoming Tax Period 2018 – 2019. Continue reading