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Three Ways to Pay Your Taxes when you Efile Form 2290!

We must dare to think ‘unthinkable’ thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world. Before a decade the only way to file your Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 was by Paper. Gone are those days when the IRS mails you a paper form you fill that out all by yourself and either mail it to the IRS or walk directly into an IRS office and spend almost a day to get your stamped Schedule 1 copy.

Looking at all the complexities involved in filing this Tax Form Think Trade Inc joined hands with the IRS and launched the First Ever Application to E-file Federal Excise Tax Form 2290. This saved a lot of time and money spent by Truckers and trucking companies, it also killed the complex tax calculations involved. Now after a decade Think Trade’s E-file application has become a part of every Form 2290 Tax payer’s life. – A Product of think Trade Inc not only introduced an option to E-file you Form 2290 but also gifts you with three different Options to pay your taxes.

Below is the list of Options available to pay your taxes when you E-file your Federal Excise tax Form 2290 with : Continue reading Wishes you all a very Happy New Year 2018!

Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment. As an E-file service provider we had the privilege to please more than a million wonderful human beings over the last 10 years. – a Product of think Trade Inc, the ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider for Efiling Federal Excise Tax Form 2290, Wishes you all a Very Happy New Year in Advance. Continue reading

E-file Your Form 2290 Before the IRS Yearend Shutdown!

Before we get on to the serious topic of IRS Yearend E-file Shutdown, / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc., would like to take this Opportunity to wish you and your Family a Merry Christmas and Happy holidays. Though we know that ever busy Truckers may not find time to spend time with their loved ones but we would like to thank them for making our Holidays a memorable one, without them there would be no happy holidays for any one of us.

OK Now back to business, this time it’s really important, Continue reading

Holiday Season Brings your HVUT E-file Deadline closer!

This is our wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays! We at / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc., Wishes everyone a happy and great Holiday Season!

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290 for Vehicles First used in the Month of November 2017 are due by December 31st 2017. However we have a Very Important information below, if you are thinking about E-filing Form 2290 at the last moment. Continue reading

IRS E-file shut down is scheduled to begin December 26th 2017!

It is a Known Fact that IRS E-file Servers will be shut down for Year End Maintenance every year by Christmas to prepare their systems for the upcoming Tax Year’s Filing. The IRS has posted it on their official website that the MeF Production Shutdown/Cutover is scheduled to begin at 11:59 a.m., Tuesday, December 26, 2017, to prepare the system for the upcoming 2018 Filing Season. Continue reading