What is an Agricultural Vehicle?

No matter how many times we file form 2290, we have our own set of questions. Having said that, this is one question that is frequently asked by our taxpayers.

And the question is: Can I file my vehicle as an agricultural vehicle?

Well, the tax rate and filing requirement depends upon your vehicle type and how you use it. And this holds as one of the most important reasons why it is so important to categorize your taxable vehicle correctly while filing HVUT form 2290. Continue reading

Record Keeping For Heavy Vehicle Used Tax

It is not fun to maintain records, but it can save you from a lot of pain in the longer run, like audits from the IRS. If the dreadful due dates are round the corner and audits are unavoidable, you need to ask yourself one thing. Am I doing this right? Are you maintaining the right records for HVUT? Well, if you were not following the pattern, it is never too late. We can tell you how. Continue reading

Heavy Highway Vehicle And Their Deal With Taxes

Trucking is one such industry, which is lively across the year. Even the weather does not allow the truckers to stay away from work. 365 days/ 24 hours trucking is living a new life on the highway.

And that welcomes, heavy vehicle used tax. We know you are the one who are working hard behind the wheels and we know you are always wondering why you do have to file tax when you are earning. We have an answer for that. Continue reading

File Prorated Tax For First Time Used Vehicles By 30th November

Welcome to Tax2290.com. We are here with a brand new blog for the week. We are here to remind you about the due date that is round the corner for the new heavy vehicles. If you have taken your vehicle weighing more than 55,000 pounds on road for the first time in the month of October, you should be filing taxes through form 2290 by the end of this month, i.e. November. Continue reading

Are You Paying Your Dues Online? Check Out the Payment Methods

How are you doing truckers? How is the week treating you? Well, we hope everything is moving smooth at your end. Today, at our blog space, we are going to discuss about the payment methods you can choose to pay your tax form 2290.

Before we proceed with the topic, we would like to remind you about the due date for filing your prorated tax through form 2290. If you have taken your vehicle out in the month of October for the first time, you are liable to file and pay taxes for by the end of November. If you fail to do so, you are liable to pay penalties and interest for the same. Continue reading