Serve The Nation With Class B CDL License Truckers

Truckers, greetings from Tax2290! It is really nice to welcome you every week with a new, unique blog post, simply to update your knowledge about trucking. This is one the place where knowledge is transferred in the most authentic way, making sure it is easily conveyed. We all know that there are 3 main classes of CDLs, which includes Class A, Class B and Class C. These classes determine what kind of vehicles can be operated by the person who is holding a license. Continue reading

Smog Rules Followed In California

Hello truckers, welcome back. Hope your New Year blast turned out awesome as assumed. We know how exhausting it is to get back to work after long weekend celebrations. However, we have left with no option and thus, we’re sharing a post on Diesel Smog Rules followed in California. So California residents gear up and take up the resolution to cut off the pollution in your city. Continue reading

New to Trucking Business? Apply for US DOT Number Today!

Hello Truckers! Hope you have liked our blogs and acquired some information from the various facts that we have discussed. In one of the previous blogs, we had discussed about the 6 levels of DOT inspection but questions like ‘why do you need a DOT number’ or ‘how to apply or file for a DOT number’ might come to your mind. To make it clear for you and help you clear your doubts, we shall discuss the essential facts in this figure. Read on to know more. Continue reading

Do You Know How Ohio’s Truck Driving Laws Are Followed? Discover Here

Welcome back truckers… Back behind the wheels driving day and night, delivering goods and serving the nation is just a part of your routine. We all know that without truckers, this nation would have never grown so much. As you’re treated as the backbone of the country every since the completion of the earliest highways and interstates, you are held responsible for transporting goods and merchandise across the nation. Continue reading

Our Tax Excise Santa Is Right Here To Surprise You With Latest Christmas Offers!

Christmas, Santa, Gifts and snow… this is the stereotype Christmas we celebrate each year. But this time for a change, our tax experts have enfolded themselves as Tax Excise Santa for the month, with a magic wand in their hands and bag full of surprises. It might be hilarious to even think our tax experts in this form, but truly, this has been a new experience for us and we’re sure you will love it as well. Continue reading