Tag Archives: IRS Efile Shutdown

IRS E-file shut down is scheduled to begin December 26th 2017!

It is a Known Fact that IRS E-file Servers will be shut down for Year End Maintenance every year by Christmas to prepare their systems for the upcoming Tax Year’s Filing. The IRS has posted it on their official website www.irs.gov that the MeF Production Shutdown/Cutover is scheduled to begin at 11:59 a.m., Tuesday, December 26, 2017, to prepare the system for the upcoming 2018 Filing Season. Continue reading

HVUT Tax Form 2290 Deadline Mid-Month Alert!

tax-timeWe love everything about the holidays: the decorations, the parties, and spending time with friends and family. Most importantly it is the feeling of giving back. Every bit counts. It is very evident that we all are busy making our holiday plans, but we must also make sure that we take care of the obligations before we start partying. One such thing is Taxes. Continue reading