Tag Archives: IRS update

Tax cuts package extends ethanol incentives

The $858-billion package includes a one-year extension on a tax credit that pays 45 cents per gallon for ethanol blended into gasoline, a move that’s estimated to cost about $6 billion. Congress also extended a tariff on foreign-made ethanol. Industry officials say the credits help ethanol stay competitive with oil and preserve jobs tied to ethanol plants.

The major national ethanol subsidy — called the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit, or VEETC — pays 45 cents per gallon to ethanol blenders. Ethanol supporters estimate that leads to a 4.5 cent per gallon decrease at the pump.The tax-cut package also extends credits for small ethanol producers and owners of alternative fuel vehicles. And it keeps a tariff of 54 cents per gallon on ethanol made outside the United States.

Tax Credit for Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax payers

If you are paying the Heavy Use Tax (IRS Form 2290) and plan to sell your truck during the tax period, you can apply for a credit – meaning you’ll get a pro-rated portion of the tax back.

Sold Truck Credit:

In previous years, you had to pay the $550 tax and if you sold your truck during the tax period, you did not get anything back. You could provide the form to the person you sold the truck to so that they didn’t have to pay the tax in addition to what you already paid. But once you paid the tax, your money was gone. Continue reading

Tax credits for Hydrogen fuel from IRS.

IRS Updates Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Forms

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has updated several tax forms used to claim the Alternative Fuel Excise Tax Credit. As a result of these updates, taxpayers claiming a rebate or payment for the $0.50 per gallon credit mustfile Form 8849, Schedule 3 (PDF 189 KB). Additionally, corporations and businesses may use Form 8849, Schedule 3 to claim a quarterly credit instead of using Form 4136 (PDF 263 KB) to claim an annual credit. According to the IRS, claimants that intend to file Form 8849, Schedule 3 must file no later than the end of the quarter following the quarter in which the fuel was used or sold.

IRS Expands Use of Twitter to Help Taxpayers, Tax Professionals

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced the availability of expanded Twitter feeds to share timely information with taxpayers and the tax professional community.

The IRS Twitter news feed, @IRSnews, provides the latest federal tax news and information for taxpayers. The focus of the IRS Twitter messages will be on easy-to-use information, including tax tips, tax law changes and important IRS programs such as e-file, the earned income tax credit and “Where’s My Refund.” Anyone with a Twitter account can follow @IRSnews by going tohttp://twitter.com/IRSnews. Continue reading

Inside this Issue of Outreach Corner

The December Outreach Corner includes the following articles.

  1. Didn’t get your 2009 Refund? It may be waiting for you.
  2. Student Loans– Applying for a student loan is now easier.
  3. Tax Planning – Make taxes easier; start planning today!
  4. Adoption Credit – Tax credit of up to $13,170 for adopting a child
  5. Join the Plan–  Invest in your retirement.
  6. Year-end Check-up – for individual retirement account owners
  7. Making Work Pay Creditis still working for taxpayers.

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