Category Archives: 2290 Mobile App

Have a question in mind? Enough said, we’ve gotcha covered!

We would like to thank all our registered users for all the positive vibes that have come our way, this helps us to constantly keep monitoring and upgrading our level of service.

Though E-File is the preferred way to go about completing form 2290 it certainly does have its share of questions, and having seen over a decade of tax returns let’s now take a look at the most general and frequently asked questions.

Yupp!! You got that right. It’s time for another round of questions and answers! So let’s begin:

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Form 2290 Deadline is fast approaching for vehicles First Used in January 2020! the most preferred website to E-File Federal excise tax forms would like to keep you reminded about the upcoming deadline for form 2290. Filing form 2290 is made much easier and less complicated since e-file came into effect, the IRS strongly recommends to E-file if you are expecting to report more than 25 vehicles, this makes processing returns faster and stamped Schedule 1 copies are made available within a few minutes.

The Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax needs to be filed by anyone who has registered or is required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more in their name at the time of first use on the public highways. This filing deadline is not the same as the Vehicle Registration date. Irrespective of the vehicle registration renewal date form 2290 has to be filed for any vehicle used after July in a tax period by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. Form 2290 is due by March 2nd for vehicles first put into service in the month of January 2020.

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Stay compliant with the clearinghouse and the upcoming Tax Deadlines for Form 2290, IFTA and Form 720! has been the most preferred website for E- filing since 2007 and is the first IRS authorized service provider, through the course of all these years we have set our standards to a certain level so as to gain expertise and knowledge about any new updates, which in turn helps us to serve you better.

The start of the New Year naturally brings with it new responsibilities that make us pause and tread with caution. The Trucking Industry has an unstable market and makes us all wonder what the government will do next since New Laws and Regulations are quite common in the trucking business.

A new transportation bill was passed by Congress which will allow the trucking industry to create more jobs and strengthen our transportation system by monitoring and improving highway safety.

The Clearinghouse is a secure online database that will give employers, FMCSA, State Driver Licensing Agencies, and State law enforcement personnel real-time information about CDL driver drug and alcohol program violations, thereby enhancing safety on our Nation’s roadways. This new rule will allow employers as well as the FMCSA mandate drug and alcohol testing programs. This will allow employers to know if the hired driver is capable of performing functions safely while operating a vehicle.

As per the new bill the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse has come into effect from January 6, 2020. Employers, drivers, medical review officers (MROs), substance abuse professionals (SAPs), and consortia/third-party administrators (C/TPAs) must register to access the Clearinghouse. Registration are available at

Spoiler Alert !!!

That being said, let’s get back to business, we would also like to keep you reminded about the upcoming tax form deadlines. The following tax forms are due by 31st January 2020.

HVUT Form 2290 

Any vehicle used after July in a tax period would only pay a pro-rated tax amount due by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. Form 2290 is due for vehicles first put into service in the month of December 2019, January 31st will be the last day to file Tax Form 2290 on those units.

Tax Form 720

Form 720 is used to pay the quarterly Federal Excise Tax that is prepared by any business that deals with goods and services subject to excise tax. Excise Tax Form 720 for the 4th is due on or before January 31, 2020, do have this completed on time to avoid any penalties with interest for late filing.

Tax Form IFTA 

The International Fuel Tax Agreement is also due Quarterly for drivers who travel between two or more member jurisdictions (48 states and 10 Canadians Provinces) this report needs to be filed and taken to their respective Local Jurisdictions for renewing their IFTA license. Tax Form IFTA for the 4th Quarter of 2019 is also due by January 31, 2020.

You might also be wondering about how to get these forms completed as soon as possible and most importantly before the deadline. We at / are here to make your filing experience as easy as possible. If you are already a customer, just click on the above link to log in to your account and report the tax returns. But if you are not a customer yet, it is never too late to start on a smooth and easy path that will make your filing experience less complicated and convenient. Just click on the link and join thousands of businesses and owner-operators that are currently using our E-file services.

Do not miss out on the January 31st deadline to report these forms as failure to report or file on time will result in penalties and interest. In order to assist you better, we are one of the few providers that has a three way line of communication, this allows our users to reach out to us for any tax related questions or advice. You can reach our Tax Experts @ 866-245-3918 or you can also email us @, do also try out our newly upgraded Live Chat Option available on the website.

Happy Thanksgiving from Tax2290 to all the truckers and OTR drivers

“We are thankful for you”

This Thanksgiving we’re grateful for each and every truckers and OTR drivers out there who are away from home on the highway on a solitary journey to deliver our thanksgiving food to our table and store shelves.

Holidays are just another working day for the truckers and the OTR driver, this makes it difficult for them to spend some quality time with the family to celebrate holidays and other important family events such as the anniversaries, birthdays, child’s first milestones and many more, which other families happily celebrate together.

So we here at Tax2290 take this opportunity to wish all you drivers and everyone from the trucking industry a great Thanksgiving, with some awesome family time. The next morning, we will be thanking you again for all our favorite gadgets and great products that we can buy on the Black Friday sales, just because you haul them all. / will always be at your service for all your Form 2290 needs so that you can keep on trucking because we would be nothing without you trucking!

Feel free to reach our Tax Experts for assistance on your next Form 2290 e-filing that is due December 2, 2019, for vehicles first used on a public highway in October 2019, @ 1-866-245-3918 or or Live Chat option, available on the website.

Have a HAPPY & SAFE THANKSGIVING and Keep On Trucking!

Happy Halloween Tax Deadline! – Don’t Miss These Taxes.

Hundreds of years ago, people dressed up as saints and Ghost and went door to door to trick or treat , which is the origin of Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating, no matter how old you are or how many times you’ve been around the block, the holiday simply never gets old. The kids get the chance to dress up and enjoy the horror and fun of the event and the adults have an excuse to sip on a boo-zy Halloween cocktail.

On Halloween, it is believed that ghosts come back to the earthly world, and out of the fear that people would encounter ghosts if they leave their homes people would wear masks when they leave their homes to avoid being recognized by these ghosts after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

Interestingly, this holiday has come to stay but with some modification and civilization, now Halloween is more of a social event that brings family together while trying to replicate a scenario where they hilariously dress up and scare each other, attend Halloween cocktail party and find the beauty even in the scary and haunted activities of the holiday.

But you know what else is scary? Missing the IRS deadline to file your Excise tax return. Halloween is celebrated on 31st of October every year and so is the deadline fixed by the IRS to file your excise tax return Form 720, IFTA and the Heavy Highway Vehicle Used Tax return Form 2290 for any truck that is put into service in September 2019.

Log on to WWW.TAXEXCISE.COM / WWW.TAX2290.COM to e-file the below tax forms due by October 31, 2019:

  • Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Form 720: to report for the 3rd Quarter of 2019
  • HVUT Form 2290: due ONLY for vehicles First Used in the Month of September 2019, and
  • International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA): to report for the 3rd Quarter of 2019.

Now while we celebrate Halloween, with all the dress Costume, Trick and Treating, the Lamp and the Ghost including the candies and all the sugar rush that is involved, we should remember to get our excise returns filed on time to avoid the horror of dealing with the IRS penalty and Interest for late filing and payment.

In the spirit of Halloween, we at would like to remind you that we are dedicated to make your Halloween celebration this year a little less scary, with our online application giving you the opportunity to file your return easily at the comfort of your home or office, giving you one less thing to worry about during this Halloween season, and with our Tax Expert always at your disposal you are guaranteed of a smooth and hassle-free experience with us.

Feel free to reach our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or ping using the Live Chat Option on the website.

Happy Halloween!!!!!