Category Archives: Truckers Need

Truck Safety and Children

Tax 2290, one of the finest Form 2290 e-file providers authorized by the IRS for filing trucker taxes wishes all the people, organizations and agencies interested in the welfare of children, a very happy Child Health Day today! Since 1960, National Child Health Day has been celebrated on the first Monday of every October, which is today for 2012. Proclaimed to raise awareness on benefits of good health, the commendation of Child Health Day focuses on teaching children the goods of staying healthy and persuading parents to help their children be safe.

As trucker parents, you might be doing your best to deal with health issues, eating habits, proper development, immunizations etc for your children’s health safety. But as truckers on roads, you might have to take a closer look at preventing injuries, for children especially. That’s because, every child is as special as yours, to his/her beloved beyond caste, creed or money. They are future citizens too! Continue reading

Solutions To Truck Parking Space Issues

– A Survey Initiative by ATRI – Participate Now!

In the trucking industry, driver fatigue has been contributing actively in increasing the number of accidents year by year. One factor that attaches itself as a reason to this has been the issues in finding proper parking spaces so that drivers rest peacefully for the time they have to. When they don’t find the right parking space to rest, they may drive for longer hours than what is meant to be safe or may find themselves not sleeping calmly. In order to address this, the FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) is keen on developing a real-time parking information system currently and is supporting the ATRI (American Transportation Research Institute) in getting them the required information resources. Continue reading

Important road safety measure for truckers!

At Tax2290, we are deeply connected with the trucking industry. One is through our online tax e-file software which enables filers of IRS forms like Form 2290, file HVUT with great ease and get their proof of payment very soon after the last step. The other is, having connected digitally with the trucking industry for nearly a decade now, we have kind of become emotionally attached to the industry as a company. And so, the more we are concerned about truck driver’s safety on roads and supporting government and other agencies like FMCSA in improvising the industry as a whole. In that, today we thought we would share one of their most important safety programs to be aware of while sharing the roads with heavy trucks – The No-Zone program.  Its goal is to increase awareness of the No-Zones — danger areas like blind spots, around commercial vehicles, in which cars “disappear” from the view of the truck. Continue reading

What happens when you file your tax returns late?

Be it form 2290 or any other tax form, IRS considers late filing with an implied penalty. Here’s a 1985 case that I recently read which educates the importance of filing taxes on time and the danger of doing it late.

George’s mother Mary (names changed) died for some reason and had previously appointed her son as the executor of her will. George, involved in his business all the time, retained John (name changed again) as to serve as the attorney for the estate in his hands. John responsibly informed George about the federal estate tax return that he had to file but missed to mention the due date. The return was due within nine months of the decedent’s death as per law. Having the experience of only being the executor of the will and not any bit about federal estate taxation, he completely relied on John for instructions and guidance. He also provided John with all relevant information and records required for the return filing. George’s family was in constant touch with John and enquired about the proceedings of the return preparation while every time they were assured that everything would be done well before time. Apparently, John had overlooked the matter because of a clerical oversight in omitting the filing date from his calendar. After a brief meeting between the two, the return was finally filed, three months late. Continue reading

File Form 2290 Online With Timely Support!

More than the convenient, easy to understand features, accurately calculated values, reliable security while processing, highly economical and worthwhile pricing & the user amicable packages that are available for online tax payers on, the heart of our tax products lies in the peerless customer support that we provide. While you are free from usual chores to file HVUT or any other tax returns on weekends at your own relaxed pace, we are fully functional and responsible to serve your online assistance, the way you need. Yes! We work on weekends this tax season just to support you so you pay your tax returns online easily at your convenience. Our customer service personnel make good enough relationships with you – the way you would like to pursue, literally to make the e-file form 2290 process an advantageous one for you in every way. This saves you time to spend with your family or yourself or anything that adds joy to your life.

We know any genuine business is judged by what’s being done and what’s not just said and also practically implement the same in action by consistently attending to phone calls, keeping up promises as assured, attentively listening to what customers say, dealing with problems the right way, being intensely helpful at all times and giving in the right information at times very apt. Customer support exceeding customer expectations is the constant hymn in our minds that drive us efficiently. In fact, the customer numbers that we have earned and in turn who have earned our trust are a result of our commendable customer service more than our promotions and price discounts. Learn why you should file your HVUT before this August 31st, 2012 and file the same taking our help in case of need, just in time even on weekends. Our customer support model is designed as follows: Continue reading