It’s the Middle of the Month! Pro-rated 2290 Tax Returns are Due for October Used Vehicles!

Hello, truckers! The IRS charges Form 2290 HVUT returns on a pro-rated basis for truckers with newly purchased and first-used heavy vehicles away from the tax period. Therefore, if you have a heavy highway vehicle or truck first used on October 2023, you must report Form 2290 HVUT returns on a pro-rated basis by the end of this month. Since the deadline is approaching the end of this month, e-file Form 2290 tax reports today on our platform to get the instant Schedule 1 copy and stay ahead of the deadline.

Stay ahead of the deadline!

Usually, reporting Form 2290 HVUT returns is tedious because it involves several aspects of vehicles and IRS regulations to account for. Truck taxpayers must estimate the tax returns for the entire usage of the vehicle for the particular tax season and report them in advance. For pro-rated taxes, truckers should not calculate Form 2290 tax returns for the entire tax season. Instead, they must estimate, and report Form 2290 reports based on the vehicle’s first month used. As per IRS regulations, pro-rated Form 2290 taxes are calculated from the vehicle’s first used month till the end of the ongoing tax period and file them on or before the end of the following month of the first used month. So, for October used vehicles, you must estimate pro-rated taxes from October 2023 to June 2024 and report it by November 30, 2023.

E-file Pro-rated Form 2290 Tax Returns on Now! is an IRS-approved modernized Form 2290 HVUT e-filing service provider. You can conveniently report Form 2290 tax reports online and get the instant Schedule 1 copy straight to your registered email address. You only need a strong internet connection and smart devices like PCs, laptops or smartphones. You can prepare, report and pay your 2290 tax reports to the IRS in just a few steps within a few minutes. Then, the IRS will process your tax returns at the earliest and issue the IRS digitally watermarked Schedule 1 copy to your registered email address. You can download the Schedule 1 copy from your email, print and use it as proof of Form 2290 payment everywhere. Form 2290 pro-rated tax reports cost just $29.99 on our platform. For queries about e-filing pro-rated Form 2290 on, please get in touch with our customer support at +1 (866) 245 – 3918 or write to us at for further assistance.