Excise Tax Form 2290 deadline, Mid Month Alert!

images“Death, taxes and childbirth! There’s never any convenient time for any of them.” – True that. All three come at the most inconvenient times, But the Government does a favor by letting us know about the deadline to file our Taxes. Information is wealth, definitely right but if we do not act on time to known information then it is useless.

Good intentions often get muddled with very complex execution. The last time the government tried to make taxes easier; it created a 1040 EZ form with a 52-page help booklet, funny isn’t it? Trucking industry is one of the busiest industries that need almost every employee working round the clock. A Trucker on an average spends 75% of his entire life on the road, away from his/her family. They are determined to make timely deliveries, keep their vehicle fit & fine and so many other things to take care of. Continue reading

Tax Form 2290 Amendment – Power to correct your mistakes!

imagesWe all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future. Brilliant Quote that suits everyone, nobody is error free and cannot claim that he/she has ever committed a mistake.


Though E-filing Federal Excise tax Form 2290 is simple & straight forward, one can still commit few minor errors while trying to complete it in a hurry. A mistake once committed is committed & there is no point in simply cribbing about it. One must be brave enough to admit his/her mistake, smart and strong enough to correct them.

IRS is well aware of the fact that Mistakes does happen and also have gifted E-filers with a solution to correct them. There are three such errors that commonly happen when one tries to file Form 2990 that can be corrected by E-filing Tax Form 2290 Amendment. Continue reading

HVUT Form 2290 EIN Rejection all you have to know!

HVUT Form 2290 a very familiar term with Truckers and folks in trucking industry. Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 is filed on any heavy vehicle that has a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above. Filing this Tax Form by paper is a hectic job and Time consuming as well, to simplify it Think Trade Inc, developed an Online Application where one can simply E-file their Federal Excise tax Form 2290 & receive acknowledgement within Minutes.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) plays a vital role when one files his/her Form 2290 Electronically. An Electronically submitted Form 2290 can get rejected because of their EIN if: Continue reading

Importance of Veterans Day, facts & Stats!

Believe it or not most of us do not even know why we even celebrate Veterans Day.  Veterans Day is celebrated to show and pay our respect to the fearless men & women who fought battles for the United States in the past and in the present as well. Veterans Day was formerly known as Armistice Day, on the remembrance of cessation of fights between the Allies and Germany in World War I, which happened in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th Month in 1918.

The picture of Soldiers of the 353rd Infantry near a church in France, waiting for the end of hostilities this was taken at 10:58 a.m., on November 11, 1918, two minutes before cessation of fighting between the Allies and Germany.




Later in 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower Amended Armistice Day and changed it to Veterans Day. Continue reading

Let’s Vote this Time without Fail !

62d_may_2nd_2011_vote“A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user” – President Theodore Roosevelt
“A man without a vote is a man without protection.” – President Lyndon Johnson

Both the above mentioned quotes clearly explains the importance of voting, Statistics clearly prove that interest to participate in voting has gradually decreased among Americans. Only 54.9% of the entire Voting Age population turned out to cast their vote in 2012 Presidential Election. A nation like ours which is considered to be one of the super powers in the entire world comes up with lame reasons for not casting their vote to elect their own President.

Let’s make sure that we schedule our day’s routine properly and keep a couple of hour’s reserved to perform the most important duty of a Citizen. November 08th, 2016 the day to remember and the day we decide our nation’s future for at least next four years. Below are the Top reasons given by qualified voters, for not casting their vote in 2012: Continue reading