Tag Archives: trucking industry

Tax Form 2290 HVUT deadline, Mid Month Alert!

alert“There is more credit and satisfaction in being a first-rate truck driver than a tenth-rate executive” — B.C. Forbes. Anyone in the Trucking Industry will sure accept to this. Along with credit and satisfaction comes huge responsibility because the loads that they transit are not their property but they take complete ownership of the timely delivery and for the condition of the goods they carry on their heavy rigs.

Not only the goods they transit become their responsibility, but they have to take care of many things other than that as well. First comes the Vehicle itself, they have to maintain their vehicles and it should be in proper shape to hit the high ways. Trucker’s health, they have to be fit and fine to handle the load and the vehicle. Family Of course, which is the reason they work so hard and stay mostly on the road. Continue reading

Decoding IRS Tax Jargon – “Suspended Vehicles”

TaxesIRS tax Jargon’s are pretty complicated to decode, today let’s throw some light on the term “SUSPENDED VEHICLES”.  Taxpayers mostly get confused with the term Suspended vehicle, reason is very simple as per their understanding they think it means any vehicle that they take out of service is defined as suspended vehicle. That’s absolutely incorrect. So what does it mean?…

SUSPENDED VEHICLE: As per the IRS the term Suspended vehicle means, vehicles that are suspended from taxes in other words tax exempt vehicles. Any heavy vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or above needs a Form 2290 filed for it by its respective owner. But the IRS has defined some distance speculations to determine whether the vehicle is taxable or Suspended (Tax Exempt). Continue reading

E-File Your Excise Tax Form 2290 On Time Online!

TaxesPunctuality is a very important word in a Truckers Dictionary. Once I heard a 15 years experienced Truck Driver say “I’m a little trucker and trucking’ is what I do best. It’s what I want to do with my life, and that’s how I’ll be. Driving down the highway, carrying what someone will eat or need tomorrow makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”

I would say “IF YOU BOUGHT IT, A TRUCKER BROUGHT IT”. There is always trouble waiting if there is a delay, be it anything.  Everyone in trucking business is well disciplined and has to follow a strict schedule. Continue reading

HVUT Tax Form 2290 Deadline, Mid Month Alert

Laziest person on earth is the one who invented the Snooze option on your phones alarm. The best organized person on earth in the one who added reminder feature on our phones. Well Reminders always good, to have an organized lifestyle. It saves us from a lot of troubles & added embarrassments.

Here we are ready to act as your monthly planner & also to gently remind you about the fast approaching federal Excise tax Form 2290 Deadline. Yes! You read that right, those who think that Form 2290’s is due only in the month of July & August are absolutely wrong. It’s partially true that the Form 2290 is due in the month of July & August; it has to be renewed every year in those months for vehicles that are in service in the month of July. Continue reading

E-file 2290 Amendments in minutes with Tax2290.com

None of us can claim that we are Mr. / Mrs. Perfect and none will deny this fact. Mistakes are part and parcel of life, it happens with everyone and can happen even when we file our taxes. No matter if we file Our Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 by paper or Online, mistakes do happen. It’s what you do to correct the mistakes done on your Form 2290 filing matters.

Your options are open, same as filing for your original Form 2290 you may either choose to Paper file your Form 2290 Amendments which is even more confusing than the original Form 2290 or can act smart by joining hands with technology by E-filing your Form 2290 amendments. Yes, the IRS has gifted you with the option to correct your mistakes committed on Form 2290 by Filing form 2290 Amendment. As always www.tax2290.com the First ever IRS authorized E-file Service Provider, Supports E-filing for Federal Excise tax Form 2290 Amendments.

Three Types of Amendments that you can E-file: Continue reading