With the Christmas holiday season upon us, it’s about time to register your vehicles and renew the license plates to hit back to the public highway doing what you really best at, delivering America all they need to celebrate Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is always a time of family and we wish every trucker out there gets some family time this Christmas eve.
To register the vehicle at the DMV, one needs to be up to date on the Form 2290 sch.1 which can be obtained by filing HVUT Form 2290 and the best way to do it is electronically that’s fast, accurate and very simple. If you’re a returning user to TaxExcise.com, you would attest to the fact but if you’re setting yourself up for the first time with us, you will know e-filing is the right approach from your firsthand experience.
Now the question is whether your taxes should be paid in full or pro-rated? This depends on the first used month of your vehicle, if you have used your vehicle on the public highway for the first time in the month of November 2019, you would only be paying the partial taxes also known as pro-rated tax for the period November 2019 – June 2020. The deadline to pay this pro-rated tax due to the IRS is the last day of the following month from the first month of use. Meaning, December 31st is the deadline to report your November used vehicles on the Form 2290 and pay the pro-rated tax due. And it is also advisable to have these vehicles reported before the long holidays so you could beat the holiday rush and also avoid any last-minute hiccups.
If you had missed your Form 2290 annual renewal by August 31st for your existing fleet, you’re already past due the deadline and should be paying your tax due in full to the IRS at the earliest possible for the tax period July 2019 – June 2020 to avoid hefty penalties levied by the IRS for late filing and late payment.
We at www.TaxExcise.com / www.Tax2290.com have constantly kept introducing new features that allow our users to have a less time consuming and user-friendly experience while using our website to e-file their HVUT Form 2290. One such feature newly introduced is the “Clone Return” option that allows you to duplicate your previously filed tax return and saves you the hassle of re-entering the same information all over again. Now e-filing Form2290 is even simpler with cloning option that lets you complete your filing in just one click.

We understand our customer’s needs and we work through it to reach our every customer’s level of satisfaction, there is no Full Stop in serving you with our best high standards. Feel free to reach us @ 866-245-3918 or write to us @ support@taxexcise.com or Ping our Tax Experts using the LIVE CHAT Option on the Website.
We are always interested in suggestions that would allow us to improve upon our already high standards and encourage you to submit your thoughts here: https://g.page/Tax2290/review
Happy and Safe Trucking!