Category Archives: Truckers Need

Discover More about Long Hauling Requirements

Ever thought what it takes to be a long haul driver? How does a truck driver manage hauling for days and weeks together? It is essential for owner operators to have the necessary requirements to make their trucking business prosperous and handle every task assiduously. Starting from hiring drivers to having the essential equipment, it all requires hard work and dedication for a smooth running of the business. Reading further can help owner operators to have a clear understanding of the requirements and can work on the aspect accordingly. Continue reading

This Winter, File Your Form 2290 HVUT With Tax2290.Com

The winter has already dropped in, the snowflakes have covered the roof our houses and yet, the truckers are behind the wheels making deliveries. Sometime, we think, can anyone ever come up the standard of dedication that truckers share for the nation? Well, no. there is no one yet born to share the same or even cover quarter of it. And that is the reason, we’re extremely proud to serve you, share a thought and give out everything possible.

After the grand celebration of Christmas and New Year, today we’re here to remind you, as always, to make sure you filed your form 2290 HVUT without penalties dominating the half.

Well, do you know why you pay your duties through taxes for your nation? Continue reading

New to Trucking Business? Apply for US DOT Number Today!

Hello Truckers! Hope you have liked our blogs and acquired some information from the various facts that we have discussed. In one of the previous blogs, we had discussed about the 6 levels of DOT inspection but questions like ‘why do you need a DOT number’ or ‘how to apply or file for a DOT number’ might come to your mind. To make it clear for you and help you clear your doubts, we shall discuss the essential facts in this figure. Read on to know more. Continue reading

An Approach Towards OTR Trucking

OTR trucking, is more than a job. It is a lifestyle for you truckers with a perfect blend of traveling around the country, living in your small cab like room, and never knowing where the next load might take you becomes your life. While the other side of trucking consists of picking freight up in one place and deliver it to another, mainly crossing several states, unknown roads.

Usually, these trucks weigh at least 26,001 pounds and moving through the regular route, whereas, some are expected to move through irregular route carrier around United States, Canada or even Mexico. Few companies work with their own OTR truck drivers and include a new trucking division for transporting their goods from one location to another, while the smaller companies get in contact with contract deliveries with other trucking companies, providing OTR drivers.

Let’s get in detail about OTR Trucking and their insights- Continue reading

Interstate Trucking vs. Intrastate Trucking

Welcome back truckers, hope you’re doing well. Our previous blog was about America’s 5 Most Traffic Congested Places for Truckers, to move around the city with ease, leaving the traffic behind. However, today we’re going to discuss about Interstate Trucking and Intrastate Trucking, throwing light on their differences. We just hope we keep your attention till the end.  Continue reading