Give Your Eyes What They Need!

Do You Know?Eyes are the most active part in our bodyEye muscles are the strongest muscles in our body

Dear trucker, how long you are going to pay opticians? No more if you are reading me this minute. It is a blessing that every one of us have got a pair of eyes via what you rejoice in the beauty of the existing world. More of us take life as granted and never consider the consequences. Now, imagine that you have lost your eyesight. You could see nothing. Can’t watch TV, Laptop any more. Greater of all, you cannot drive anymore. Clear eyesight makes the world a better place to live in.

There are three pretty standard ways to strengthen your eye muscles & eye sight. You can just do it in truck stops. Let this be one of your 2013 resolutions.

  • Blinking
  • Palming
  • Eye exercises

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Where goes all my HVUT?

A right question in every trucker’s mind. Yes! You own the rights to ask. Your HVUT tax cures and heals the nation’s corridor, or so called roadways and highways. How important is the expressway which paves variety of merchandise and materials to pass on to the place you want to go. They are also the doorway for the public’s travel routine. You are the one who get much out these highways since you are lugging countless tons of goods every. Therefore, you are bonded to e-file IRS Tax Form 2290 as a lane to maintain these highway corridors. Continue reading

Freight Transportation Trends That Make HVUT Important For Truckers

Hauling large quantities of commodities over great distances or carrying smaller packages to streets, each transportation mode adopted continues to play an important role in the movement of freight. Whether measured by value, weight, or ton-miles of the composite estimates, trucking as a single mode (including for-hire and private use), seems to be the most frequently used mode. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), trucking dominates shipment distances of less than 500 miles while rail dominated the longer distance shipments. These trends and the below also gives an insightful message to truckers about their importance for the society’s economical growth. Paying truck tax to keep this going in accordance with Federal excise tax laws is equally important. Continue reading

Highway Trust Fund – a safe destination for your HVUT

Trucker duties are delivery bound. So are the taxes they pay for their heavy trucks, to the Federal Government. The HVUT returns you file and taxes that you pay get transmitted to the IRS safely and the IRS in turn returns it to the Federal Funds Treasury. the amounts equivalent to these taxes are then transferred on paper to the HTF, Highway Trust Fund, a transportation fund established in 1956 to finance the United States Interstate Highway System and certain other roads. The revenues of the HTF are intended for financing highways, with the taxes dedicated to the HTF paid by the users of highways. Most of the tax amounts credited to the HTF’s Highway account (one of the three accounts of HTF) are not collected by the Federal government directly from the consumer. They are, instead, paid to the Internal Revenue Service by the producer or importer of the taxable product, except like for HVUT which is paid by the owner. Continue reading

Three Things to Count On While Replacing Your Smart Truck Wheels

How often do you replace your truck’s wheel? When this question was asked to a number of truckers, we had two different answers. The first type of answer was, “I change it when they shrink or when flat spots are huge. The second type but infrequent answer was, “I restore them in every 2-4 months”. Right answer! It is advised and found to be effective when you put back your truck’s wheel every 2-4 months.

Most of you are likely to change your truck wheels only when you can’t get those axle nuts back on the setup. Not ever! As a motorist, replacing your truck wheels is going to be a continuous process from time to time. Sometimes you will realize that the new wheels just don’t fit in or they may trouble you while driving. It is said that, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Let’s look up for three flaw-avoidance measures while swapping your vehicle’s wheel, which really helps in maintaining your trucks well.
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