There can be n number of reasons to choose the trucking industry as a profession. Passion, money, family business, advice based, sudden takeover or anything could be labeled as a cause. But once you have taken up the office function of the trucking industry as an owner, it is an important duty to pay your heavy vehicle use taxes annually to the government so that they take care of your smooth run on roads every day, throughout the year. It is even more vital to select the right e-file service provider when you have no time to file your HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, of course!) on paper all by yourself to the IRS. Know why e-filing is better here. Among the many reasons which claim that we are better off amongst the crowd, here’s one that will make your heart feel so. Because, when there is a conflict between options, what we choose is what we feel is right.
We have much to connect with the trucking industry, emotionally. Like how a truck delivers the consigned goods to the consignee safely in time, we enable truckers file their heavy use tax returns safely in time to the IRS. Trucks are one time investment to run the trucking business on wheels successfully. Similar is the case for HVUT which is paid one time each year (done in a onetime login session) to support the run of your trucks without any intervention of legal actions for that year. Remember at this juncture that August 31st is the deadline for this year’s filing and payment of HVUT. Adding to the aforementioned emotional connection, the door-door transportation that’s possible in trucking industry is one of its prominent advantages. Congruous is what we do in our IRS authorized e-file software, Inside your door from your computer connected to the internet, we drive your entire filing process of form 2290 online safely and send it to the hands of IRS for further processing immediately at the click of a button. Sending cargo through trucks is fast, convenient and reduces costs identical to the speed, reliability and savings (money spent in postages, travel & time) that are acquired by truckers while filing HVUT through us.
Quickness and urgency are undeniable advantages of truck transportation since the delivery time does not depend on train or plane schedules. In our case, the moment you decide to go with us, you are done with filing your returns in a few easy steps without any other dependencies. There are only a few idles and waiting periods involved during truck transport but the processing speed and accuracy in does not even involve any such slowing down activity.
In simple terms, you work to satisfy your customers and we work to satisfy you, which of course can add more value to what you do. These are just a few instances of how strongly we are connected to the trucking industry to make truck tax filing process less taxing. Use our secure application to connect with us more before this August 31. Any day, sooner the better. For any assistance, reach our extended, warm and supportive hands at 866-245-3918 or