Pre-file your HVUT Form 2290 for TY 2020-2021 Now!

A lot of things can go wrong in trucking, with over a thousand parts working simultaneously to keep your vehicle moving forward, the last thing you need on your mind is to be missing out on a crucial 2290 deadline. Deadlines are quite common in the trucking industry but having a deadline that includes penalties from Uncle Sam is a whole new ball game. We at have always strived to meet these deadlines by offering our services ahead of time so as to keep our users well prepared and file their 2290’s to beat the last-minute rush.

There has always been a last-minute crunch where owner-operators and tax preparers alike wait in line to receive stamped copies, by Pre-filing your tax return this wait period is neutralized. All pre-filed returns will be accepted as soon as the IRS starts processing returns for the upcoming year, this as an added advantage allows you to be the lucky few among the ones who will be receiving their Stamped Schedule 1 copies by the First week of July.

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Hurry! Pre-File Form 2290 for TY 2020-2021 and Avail 10% Off!

Whether you follow a daily, weekly, or monthly routine, there always comes a point in time where you dread missing a crucial deadline. In the fast-paced line of trucking, the ability to meet deadlines and multitask between delivering goods and staying compliant with Uncle Sam has always been a challenging task.

It’s that time of the year again where tax professionals and truckers alike would eventually start to queue up and complete their renewals on time for the HVUT Form 2290. But by being the only Decade old IRS Authorised e-file Service provider and with much-gained expertise and knowledge over the years we at have always had an insight on understanding your 2290 needs. is now accepting Form 2290 Pre-Filed returns from JUNE 1st for the Tax Year 2020-2021, enabling you to beat the tax race and receive much needed stamped copies as soon as the IRS starts accepting returns in July. For Early birds out there, Avail 10% OFF when you pre-file form 2290 for 2020-2021 by using code: PREFILE20 valid until June 7.

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We’re Open for Business during COVID-19, E-file Pro-rated Form 2290 Due by May 31

As the saying goes “Cometh the hour, cometh the man” Our Truckers just simply do not fail to amaze us! When all hope fails they are our first line of defense, being on the front line amidst this COVID-19 crisis, risking their lives to make sure our shelves do not run empty and all the while ensuring that much-needed essentials are transported far and wide across the country. It sure is a tough job and not for the faint-hearted.

We at love showing appreciation to our truckers for their dedication and safety, and we would go above and beyond to see that your Form 2290 issues are handled while you’re on the road, something we have been doing for over a decade and are best at. After all, our supply chain depends on your reliable transportation.

A Gentle reminder for trucks that were newly purchased or first put into service in the month of April, the deadline to have these vehicles reported on a 2290 is May 31. Due to the lockdown and social distancing Electronically filing your tax return has come in handy and is the most easiest and convenient option to have your return filed on time, though the IRS offices are closed their E-File services are operational and returns filed online are being accepted within a few minutes.

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CDC issues COVID-19 Guidelines for Long-haul Truck Drivers

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms often include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Our understanding of how the virus spreads is evolving as we learn more about it, so check the CDC website for the latest information. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person:

Recent studies indicate that the virus can be spread by people who are not showing symptoms. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about this virus. Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions may be at higher risk for more serious complications from COVID-19.As a long-haul truck driver, how can I protect myself and slow the spread?

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COVID-19, the latest information for Truckers compiled at one place

Truckers are having hard time out fighting the pandemic, the placement of more stringent restrictions across the states on travel and social distancing has changed the dynamics in the commercial trucking industry. Carrier engaged in grocery deliveries or in the medical supply chain have been busy delivering essentials. The freight rates are dipping many truckers and owner operators finding it difficult to meet their needs. Carrier that hauls primarily fuel or to manufacturing centers seeing anything from a slowdown to a cratering of demand. Staying safe and social distancing can help us to stop the spread of COVID-19.

To help the truckers, OOIDA and Land Line Media are compiling the latest updates from federal and state governments on the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.  Here are the handy information for you to get all the needed information at one place… Click on the links below to be taken directly to the official documents. encourage all our clients and customers to take the health risks posed by COVID-19 seriously and follow the advice of WHO and guidance issued by national and local health authorities. Also, promote regular teleworking across your organization that will help your business keep operating while your employees stay safe. We have developed a contingency and business continuity plan during an outbreak of COVID-19 to ensure all our resources are at your assistance for your federal tax e-filing needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Help Desk at 1-866-245-3918 or email us at or use the live chat support available on the website. We’re available on all Business days between 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time.

Form 2290 is due by May 31 (June 1) for vehicles first used in April 2020 since the start of tax period July 2019 – June 2020. Choose Electronic Filing to Report and Pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax returns with IRS. Easy and Fast to receive IRS Watermarked Schedule 1 Proof Receipt.

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