The IRS is shutting down e-file services from July 18 – 22. E-file Tax Returns to avoid any delays!

Dear taxpayers, may we have your attention, please!

The IRS e-file services will be temporarily unavailable for the period beginning July 18, 12: 01 AM (EST) through July 22, 12: 00 PM (EST) due to the system upgrade. Hence, any returns filed during this period will not be processed by the IRS.

However, we would be open and accepting returns during this shutdown period and would also be available to provide assistance with your filings during this time. So you can still submit your tax returns using our application and the IRS will process your return as soon as they are up and ready to accept them.

Forms that are affected during the shutdown time:

Tax Form 2290:

Form 2290 for the Tax year 2019 -2020 is due for renewal immediately. Which means if you submit your return during the shutdown period; you will receive your Stamped Schedule-1 copy in your email (& Fax, if opted) only on or after July 22, 2019.

Tax Form 720:

This is a quarterly Federal Excise Tax, which is filed every 3 months and it is due now for the Quarter ending June 2019. PCORI that is filed only annually on the Q2 filing is also due this month. Indoor Tanning Taxes is one among the most used category reported electronically on Form 720. And any returns filed during this period will only be accepted by the IRS on or after July 22, 2019, we will send you the receipt acknowledgment as soon as IRS accepts your return.

WE RECOMMEND e-filing your tax returns before the shutdown begins. That being said, TODAY is your only opportunity to stay unaffected from the IRS downtime and get instant approval from the IRS within minutes.

Another great reason to e-file your tax return TODAY is the DISCOUNTED FEE with a FLAT 10% discount code “ONTIME2019”.

All the above-mentioned Tax Forms can be e-filed by simply logging on to the  / website and follow the prompt for a successful filing. Also, our tax experts are just one ring away from answering any questions you might have in regards to your filings. Rest assured, our Tax Experts would never let you go wrong!

Call us or write to us at 1-866-245-3918 / for any suggestion and queries. You can also ping us on LIVE CHAT for assistance.

Rolling offers at Tax2290 to eFile HVUT Returns for 2019-20 Tax Year

The Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 filing for the Tax Year July 2019 – June 2020 is in full swing. This vehicle use tax is reported using IRS Tax Form 2290, by completing all the reporting VINs for which the taxes are to be paid. It’s important to stay on top of the tax deadlines to avoid possible penalties and interest charges for late filing and payment of taxes. Never miss your tax 2290 deadlines, start preparing for it today and plan your payment schedules at the earliest.

ONTIME 2019 Tax 2290

Save 10% Off on your Tax eFile Fee!

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Start with your 2290 HVUT reporting for 2019-20 Tax Year Today the IRS authorized and certified website is the most experienced electronic filing service provider and top rated website. Every heavy vehicles operated on the public highway falls due for 2290, the federal vehicle use tax reporting. Electronic filing is the best, safe and fastest way to get it done and receive back the watermarked Schedule 1 proof of payment. helps you file your 2290 tax returns right by prompting right questions to fill in your details that are required to report in HVUT form. The step by step approach makes your electronic filing experience a breeze. When you have questions you can get it clarified with our support desk or with our live chat agent or through an email. We’re waiting to support you through your filing process. The straight forward pricing helps you pay what you see and no hidden charges or no transaction fee.

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This 4th of July, E-File your Form2290 for TY2019 with 10% OFF!

Independence is the complete freedom of control or influence from another party, the term is often used when referring to the birth of nations, such as the United States, Independence means they have the capability for self-governance, legislations, and make laws mainly for the good of the nation, regardless of the interests of any outside state or organization.

Now in the spirit of 4th of July we should remember to oblige with the lay down rules and regulation for the betterment of our Nation And we has truckers, that means we file our taxes and pay the dues on time, by doing so we are respecting those that fought for our Freedom to act, speak, or think as we want without hindrance.

So,  /  is Officially Announcing the Arrival of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290’s Annual Renewal for the period July 2019 through June 2020. To Share the Spirit of Freedom we have put Across a Independence Week long Discount.

N: B   These are the deadline you need to keep in mind.

Tax Form2290 TY2019 renewal Deadline August 31 2019

Form720 (2nd Quarter 2019) Deadline July 31 2019

Tax IFTA (2nd Quarter 2019) Deadline by July 31 2019

AVAIL a FLAT 10% OFF on all the above Forms for one Complete Week with Discount Code “FREEDOM” Hurry up! Offer Valid only until July 7th, save up to $40 on a Single Transaction. For any further clarification call us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to us @ or ping our Tax Experts using the LIVE CHAT Option on the Webs

Last Chance to Renew Form2290 for TY 2019 with 10% OFF

In our day-2-day lives, We have always been stuck with deadlines, deadline to submit a project, deadline to submit a proposal but none of these is compared to the deadline for filing and paying our dues to Uncle Sam, defying the deadline by Uncle Sam will be considered egregious and could be an imminent threat not only to us but also to our lively hood. And with the Form2290 expiring by June 30th we are all in a rush to file our return on a timely manner.

Having said that, we at have decided to provide a lasting solution to the relationship between you and the IRS, and with the E-filing option and us being the first to obtain IRS approval as an E-filing service provider you are assured of an outstanding experience.

As your Tax form 2290 for the period July 2018 through June 2019 will expire by the end of June, you have to renew them For TY2019 Immediately. Avail 10% OFF your e-file service fee when you renew your TY2019 Form 2290 at / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc., has already begun to accept Form 2290 for the upcoming Tax Year 2019 – 2020 on a Pre-filing Basis. By Pre-Filing your HVUT Form 2290 you will be among the First set of Tax Filers who will be receiving their Stamped Schedule 1 Copy, the Proof for filing Your HVUT.

The IRS May not accept your tax returns until the Tax period begins, however you can Pre-File them using /, Your Tax return will be submitted to the IRS as soon as they open the E-filing Gates. You will be among the ones who will be receiving their Stamped Schedule 1 copies in the First week of July.

For support feel free to reach us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to us @ or Ping our Tax Experts using the LIVE CHAT Option on the Website.