Category Archives: Deadline Today

Today is the Deadline to file Pro-rated Form 2290 and 3rd Qtr IFTA tax returns, E-file Now!

We have an important message about your Form 2290 tax returns, today is the deadline to file Form 2290 HVUT tax return for vehicles first used since September 2020. So if you bought a new truck and put it in service in the month of September 2020 but haven’t filed your Form 2290 tax return yet, you must prepare and file it by today, November 2nd, 2020

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Form 2290 Due Now for Vehicles First Used in August 2020!

The Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 needs to be completed by owner-operators and business owners alike who are registered or are required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle. Electronically filing Form 2290 enables you to receive your Schedule 1 in a few minutes rather than waiting a few months on forms mailed in. This filing deadline is not the same as the Vehicle Registration date, Irrespective of the vehicle registration renewal, form 2290 has to be completed for any vehicle used during a tax period by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. Form 2290 is due by September 30 for vehicles first put into service in the month of August 2020.

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Today is August 31st, which means it officially is the last day to E-file our Heavy Highway Vehicle Use (HVUT) Tax Form 2290 for Tax Year 2020– 2021. So log onto / – Products of ThinkTrade Inc. Be sure to have Form 2290 completed before midnight today, failure to complete before the deadline will result in penalties for late filing with Interest.

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Recent IRS Updates and TODAY’S Deadlines for Q2 IFTA & Pro-rated Form 2290

Unlike many other tax return deadlines, the deadline on the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 has not been extended. Every truck driver who travels in and around America will need to file new returns before the actual due date of August 31st. During recent months due to the sudden surge of filings taking place, the IRS has also issued certain guidelines to make this process less cumbersome.

The following are a few key points issued by the IRS for Form 2290.

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Form 2290 due dates for TY2020 renewal and Pro-rated filing for Vehicles first used in May 2020

Time and Tide waits for no man.

A few words of wisdom a veteran truck driver once said, Never wait until tomorrow for what can be done today. Trucking is a fast-paced business and meeting deadlines have almost become an everyday routine, let it be delivering orders or the time crunch involved in transporting essential consumables. With all these responsibilities on your to-do list, the last thing you wouldn’t need is to miss out on filing a very important tax return. One such crucial deadline would be the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 which comes by once every year.

Our endeavor at has always been to strive and help our users file and complete tax returns ahead of time, this helps them to stay ahead of the curve and receive much needed Stamped copies to keep on trucking while still staying compliant with the IRS.

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