Category Archives: 2290 Mobile App

HVUT Form 2290 deadline, Mid-Month Alert


Truckers! With hundreds of things running at the back of your mind, it is very common that you miss things you do very rarely. Taxes are one among the things that you do not do frequently. Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 (HVUT), is due by the end of November, to be precise it is due by November 30th 2017, for vehicles first used in the month of October 2017 since July 2017.

A gentle reminder from the First Ever IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider to e-file federal excise tax form 2290,  about the fast approaching tax Due Date. We know that you are tied up with so many other things and operate in a very busy schedule, so we recommend that you E-file your federal Excise Tax Form 2290 right away to avoid the last minute rush.  is now ready to accept Form 2290 tax returns for vehicles first used in the month of October. Do not wait till the last day, log on to and get it done within minutes. Reach our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918, ping them using the live chat option on the website or write to them @ for any Form 2290 related queries.

Celebrate this Veterans Day with a FLAT 10% OFF on your E-file Fee!


“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free”Dan Lipinski

We would like to add a couple of words to the above quote “Not only” on Veterans Day “every day” One should remember the service & sacrifice made by people for our well being, who are not even known to us. There is no second thoughts that veterans should be respected and honored, however there is another set of hardworking community that makes our living possible. We call them “TRUCKERS”. Continue reading

Why Truckers & Trucking companies rely on

The ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider for E-filing Federal Excise Tax form 2290 has proved its reliability and efficiency as an E-file service provider for e-filing HVUT form 2290. With its abundant knowledge and expertise has managed to impress the IRS to make it the First Ever IRS certified E-file service provider for E-filing form 2290 in 2007. This is one of the biggest reasons why continues to stay as industry leader in E-filing Federal Excise Tax Form 2290 and stays as preferred choice of Excise tax payers for filing IRS tax form 2290.

Advantages of choosing as your E-file Provider:                          Continue reading

Treat yourself with a Flat 10% OFF when your File Form 2290, Form 720 & IFTA!


Halloween is not only meant for Kids, Says & – Products of ThinkTrade Inc. Kids have their own way of celebrating Halloween and we as the FIRST EVER AND THE ONLY DECADE OLD IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider For E-filing Heavy Highway Vehicle Use tax (HVUT) Form 2290, wish to Treat the Ever Busy and Hard working Trucking Community in our own style by offering a Special Discount this Halloween.

ThinkTrade Inc offers a Flat 10% OFF on the E-file Preparation Fee this Halloween with a Special discount code “HALLOWEEN17” valid only for two days that is 30th & 31st of October. Offer is valid on all the Three Tax Forms that must be filed before Halloween Ends i.e. 31st of October, 2017.

Taxes that are due tomorrow: Continue reading

HVUT Form 2290 & Third Quarter IFTA Mid-Month Alert!

We are half way through October which means we are close to Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290 Due Date for Heavy Vehicles First used in the Month of September 2017 since July 2017. Any Heavy Vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above must have a Form 2290 filed for it on or before the end of the following Month to the Month First it was first used on Public Highways.

Month of October also adds another Tax Obligation to Interstate Truckers who operate their Vehicles in two or more IFTA Jurisdictions. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) report must be prepared and filed on a quarterly basis; October 31st will be the dead line to Prepare and report IFTA for the Third Quarter of 2017.

With Two Tax Deadlines ahead and with less than half month in hand, your best choice is to E-file your Form 2290 and Prepare your 3rd quarter IFTA with, Feel free to reach out to our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or write to them @ or you may ping them using the LIVE CHAT Option on the Website.